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Explore The Ridge Publishing Group Imprint Bookmarks

Unlock the magic of literature with our exclusive collection of The Ridge Publishing Group imprint bookmarks. As you journey through the transformative worlds created in our publications—from theological treatises to compelling narratives—these bookmarks serve as your guides, beautifully designed to represent each of our unique imprints.

Why You Need These Bookmarks

Each bookmark in our collection is crafted not just to hold your place but to enrich your reading experience. Featuring artwork and motifs inspired by our diverse range of imprints, these bookmarks encapsulate the essence of The Ridge Publishing Group’s commitment to spreading knowledge and enlightenment. Whether you’re a student of theology, a lover of epic narratives, or a board game enthusiast, there’s a bookmark designed just for you.

How It Works

  1. Choose Your Bookmark: Browse our collection to find bookmarks that resonate with your current reads or interests, each linked to one of our unique imprints like The Living Waters series, Guardians of Biblical Truth, or Publisher and Her World.
  2. Download for Free: Access these bookmarks at no cost. Simply click to download a high-resolution PDF of your chosen designs.
  3. Print and Personalize: Print your bookmarks on high-quality paper to withstand the rigors of your literary adventures. For a touch of luxury, consider premium cardstock or even laminating them for durability.
  4. Dive Back into Your Reading: Use these bookmarks as you dive deeper into our books and games, letting them guide you through your theological exploration or leisure reading.


These bookmarks are not just placeholders—they are keys to unlocking deeper understanding and enjoyment of our publications. They’re beautifully designed, practical, and completely free, making them perfect for enhancing your reading sessions or as thoughtful gifts for fellow enthusiasts.

Download your favorite Ridge Publishing Group Bookmarks today and immerse yourself in a world where faith, knowledge, education, and story intersect—each bookmark a beacon on your journey through our expansive literary universe.

Welcome to The Ridge Publishing Group Imprint Bookmarks!

The Ridge Publishing Group Bookmark: Your Gateway to a World of Wisdom. Elevate your reading experience with The Ridge Publishing Group’s signature bookmark, featuring the vibrant homepage image that symbolizes our dedication to enriching minds and souls. This bookmark not only serves as a stylish placeholder but also showcases our key imprints, such as Guardians of Biblical Truth, Author’s Website, Urban Chronicles Publishing House, AuthorsDoor Group, Ethan Fox Books—and blogs, Publisher and Her World and Jesus-Says.com. It’s a constant reminder of the diverse and profound insights waiting within our pages. Perfect for avid readers and thinkers, this bookmark links you directly to our world of theological depth and engaging storytelling, guiding you through every chapter of your intellectual and spiritual exploration.

The Living Waters Series Bookmark: Dive Deep into Spiritual Reflection. Immerse yourself in the transformative currents of The Living Waters Series with this elegantly designed bookmark. Featuring imagery that captures the essence of spiritual growth and enlightenment, this bookmark is more than just a placeholder—it’s a companion on your journey through profound biblical teachings and heartfelt narratives. Each time you open your book, let this bookmark remind you of the deep, reflective waters of faith you’re navigating, enriching your reading experience with every page. Ideal for thoughtful readers seeking to deepen their spiritual understanding, this bookmark serves as a beautiful token of your commitment to exploring the depths of Christian living.

Christian Prayer Card Bookmark: A Guide to Authentic Faith. Embrace the essence of true Christian living with our Christian Prayer Card bookmark. This thoughtfully crafted bookmark outlines ten essential steps to understanding and embodying authentic Christian faith. Each point serves as a stepping stone in your spiritual journey, helping you to reflect on and deepen your commitment to Christ’s teachings. Perfect for daily use in your Bible or favorite inspirational book, this bookmark is a practical tool for prayer, reflection, and personal growth. Let it guide you as you explore what it means to live as a Christian in today’s world, keeping your place and your purpose aligned.

Jesus-Says Blog Bookmark: Inspiration at Your Fingertips. Keep your spiritual insights close at hand with the Jesus-Says Blog bookmark. Designed for followers of our enriching blog, this bookmark features a sleek design that reflects the essence of our daily messages and biblical teachings. Whether you’re deepening your understanding through scripture or seeking daily encouragement, this bookmark acts as a handy companion in your spiritual readings and studies. Use it to mark key passages or to simply keep your place while you reflect on the teachings of Jesus. It’s not just a bookmark—it’s a reminder to carry His Words with you throughout your journey in faith.

Jesus-Says Blog Bookmark: Daily Devotion in Your Pages. Enhance your spiritual journey with the second edition of our Jesus-Says Blog bookmark. This beautifully crafted bookmark serves as a constant source of inspiration and a reminder of the powerful insights you can find on our blog. Tailored for those who cherish daily devotionals and thoughtful reflections, this bookmark is both a practical and spiritual tool. It’s designed to guide you as you pause and reflect on scripture, keeping your most significant readings marked while immersing you in the wisdom of biblical teachings. Carry the spirit of the Jesus-Says Blog with you as you navigate through the pages of your favorite spiritual texts.

Guardians of Biblical Truth Bookmark: Anchor Your Readings in Faith. Dive deeper into your study of scripture with the Guardians of Biblical Truth bookmark. This bookmark, thoughtfully designed to complement the themes and values of our dedicated Facebook page, serves as a constant reminder of your commitment to exploring and defending the core principles of Christianity. Ideal for scholars, theologians, and anyone engaged in the serious study of the Bible, this bookmark acts not only as a placeholder but as a symbol of your dedication to understanding and preserving the integrity of biblical teachings. Let it guide your readings and reflections, anchoring you in the truths that have stood the test of time.

Guardians of Biblical Truth Forum Bookmark: Connect and Reflect. Enhance your engagement with the Guardians of Biblical Truth Forum with this specially designed bookmark, a perfect companion for members of our closed Facebook group. This bookmark symbolizes your connection to a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to exploring and understanding deep biblical truths. Use it to mark significant passages as you study, or keep your place in discussions and readings that inspire your spiritual growth. It’s not just a tool for keeping your page; it’s a symbol of your active participation in a vibrant, faith-based community seeking wisdom and guidance through collective study and conversation.

The Manhattan Diaries Series Bookmark: Explore Urban Elegance. Navigate the captivating world of “The Manhattan Diaries” with this stylish bookmark, designed to complement the chic and sophisticated spirit of the series. This bookmark mirrors the vibrancy and complexity of The Manhattan Diaries, captured within the pages of L.A. Moeszinger’s compelling tales. As you traverse the highs and lows of city life through these narratives, this bookmark will hold your place, adding an element of urban elegance to your reading experience. Perfect for fans of the series and city enthusiasts alike, it serves as both a practical reading accessory and a token of the lavish lifestyle depicted in “The Manhattan Diaries.”

New Youniversity Chronicles Bookmark: Navigate Your Path to Enlightenment. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and lifelong learning with the New Youniversity Chronicles bookmark. Perfectly aligned with the series’ themes of personal growth and New York City’s dynamic rhythm, this bookmark serves as a guide through your educational and spiritual explorations within the narrative. Whether you’re delving into personal development or exploring the bustling streets of Manhattan through our stories, this bookmark elegantly keeps your place. It’s more than just a marker—it’s a symbol of your commitment to expanding your horizons and embracing the lessons that life in the city has to teach.

AuthorsDoor Bookmark: Your Gateway to Creative Excellence. Unlock the world of authorship and creativity with the AuthorsDoor bookmark. Designed for the inspired writer and dedicated reader, this bookmark represents the essence of our AuthorsDoor community—where guidance, support, and resources converge to empower your literary journey. As you navigate through the intricacies of business, writing, marketing, advertising, branding, and publicity with our AuthorsDoor Leadership programs, this bookmark will hold your place, serving as a constant reminder of your connection to a community of like-minded creatives. Whether you’re drafting your first novel or refining your publishing strategy, let this bookmark mark your progress and inspire continuous growth and achievement in your writing endeavors.

Authors Red Door Blog Bookmark: Mark Your Journey in the Literary World. Stay anchored in your writing, publishing, and marketing ambitions with the Authors Red Door Blog bookmark. Designed specifically for readers and contributors of our insightful blog, this bookmark is a must-have accessory for anyone navigating the complex landscape of the literary industry. Featuring a sleek design that echoes the themes of innovation and support characteristic of our blog, it serves not only as a practical tool for marking your page but also as a symbol of your commitment to literary excellence. Use it to keep track of your favorite posts, or as a daily reminder of the community and resources available to you through the Authors Red Door Blog, helping you open new doors in your authorial career.

Ethan Fox Books Bookmark: Adventure Awaits on Every Page. Dive into the thrilling world of Ethan Fox  and Hayley Ravenwood with our exclusive bookmark, perfectly crafted to complement your reading adventures. This bookmark is not just a placeholder—it’s a key to unlocking the mysteries and excitement found in the Ethan Fox Books series. Featuring vibrant artwork inspired by the tales’ spirit of adventure and discovery, it serves as a constant companion as you navigate through the twists and turns of each story. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to the series, the Ethan Fox Books bookmark will enhance your reading experience, keeping you anchored in the action and ready to explore what lies on the next page.

KidsStagram Blog Bookmark: Ignite Young Imaginations. Capture the joy and creativity of youth with our KidsStagram Blog bookmark, designed to accompany the colorful and engaging content of the KidsStagram Blog. This bookmark is more than just a placeholder—it’s a vibrant tool that encourages young readers to dive into stories, activities, and educational content that spark curiosity and foster a love of learning. Featuring fun, kid-friendly designs that resonate with the playful spirit of our blog, this bookmark is perfect for young adventurers eager to explore the world through reading. Let the KidsStagram Blog bookmark mark the pages of their favorite tales and become a treasured part of their reading routine.

Embrace Your Journey with The Ridge Publishing Group Imprint Bookmarks

As you explore the rich and varied offerings of The Ridge Publishing Group, our specially designed bookmarks are here to enhance and accompany you on your literary and theological journey. Each bookmark not only saves your place but also serves as a constant reminder of the knowledge and spiritual growth that our books and games aim to foster.

We invite you to immerse yourself in the depth of our content, from the thought-provoking narratives of The Living Waters series to the strategic complexities of Heaven’s Seminary board games. Our bookmarks are crafted to match the elegance and intellectual spirit of our publications, ensuring that every reading session is marked by both style and substance.

Download your free bookmarks today—step into the stories, embrace the teachings, and celebrate the joy of reading with The Ridge Publishing Group. Let each page turn be a step towards greater understanding and enlightenment, beautifully marked by our collection of bookmarks.

Thank you for choosing The Ridge Publishing Group as your companion in discovery and growth. We look forward to being a part of your exploration of theology, writing, publishing, marketing, and profound narratives. Join us in turning the pages of knowledge and faith, one beautiful bookmark at a time.


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About The Ridge Publishing Group: Journey Behind the Pages

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Visit The Ridge Publishing Group’s Official Blog at PublisherAndHerWorld.com for additional content.

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