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Embark on a Radical Generosity Journey with Heart of Abundance

Heart of Abundance: The Journey to Radical Giving and Receiving

Cover of “heart of Abundance: The Journey to Radical Giving and Receiving” featuring title and author.Dive into a transformative voyage where faith, generosity, and divine love converge in “Heart of Abundance: The Journey to Radical Giving and Receiving.” This seventh installment in The Living Waters series by Lori Ann Moeszinger invites you to explore the profound interplay between giving and receiving, uncovering the radiant heartbeat of abundance that resides within each of us. Discover a world where radical generosity journey shapes our lives and those around us.

Exploring the Vibrant World of Radical Generosity

Through captivating stories and profound revelations, “Heart of Abundance” introduces readers to the vibrant world of radical generosity—a realm where faith and generosity dance in perfect harmony. Travel alongside individuals and communities whose acts of giving transcend the ordinary and foster a legacy of love that spans generations.

Engaging with Profound Insights and Transformative Actions

This book doesn’t just tell stories; it calls to action, challenging readers to embrace a life of radical giving and receiving. Each page encourages a deeper understanding of how both giving and receiving contribute to a life teeming with purpose and fulfillment, showcasing the radical generosity journey as a path to true abundance.

Stepping Into a Life Brimming with Joy and Purpose

“Heart of Abundance” is more than just a book; it’s an invitation to unlock the transformative power of generosity and step into a life of abundance like never before. Are you ready to take up the challenge and leave a legacy of love that will echo through the ages?


Are you ready to embark on this life-changing radical generosity journey? “Heart of Abundance” awaits, ready to guide you toward a life brimming with purpose, joy, and boundless love. Step forward and embrace the journey to radical giving and receiving, and transform your life and community with unparalleled generosity.

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About The Author: Lori Ann Moeszinger—the visionary behind The Ridge Publishing Group—is a storyteller at heart, crafting narratives that resonate and empower. She writes under the names: Lori Ann Moeszinger for her biblical and personal pieces; Ann Patterson for her legal expertise pieces; L. A. Moeszinger for her AuthorsDoor and blog pieces; and a handful of others for the Urban Chronicles Publishing House and The Manhattan Diaries series. A former lawyer turned author, publisher, and creator; she inspires change through storytelling—passion drives her pen, crafting tales that inspire action and faith.

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