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A Guide to Bold Christian Faith Expression: Breaking Silence

Cover of “Breaking Silence: The Charge to Uphold the Faith Out Loud” featuring title and author Lori Ann Moeszinger.

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho – March 30, 2025 – The Ridge Publishing Group is proud to announce the release of “Breaking Silence: The Charge to Uphold the Faith Out Lound,” the latest addition to The Living Waters series by Lori Ann Moeszinger. This transformative book encourages believers to articulate their faith with conviction, emphasizing the importance of Christian faith expression in a world desperate for truth.

Enhancing Christian Faith Expression with “Breaking Silence”

“Breaking Silence” challenges Christians to step out of the shadows and vocalize their beliefs. Author Lori Ann Moeszinger weaves scriptural wisdom with practical insights, offering a robust blueprint for those ready to embrace Christian faith expression in a confident and loving manner.

Book Synopsis and Beyond: A Deep Dive into Breaking Silence

Breaking Silence: The Charge to Uphold the Faith Out Loud. “Breaking Silence” the ninth installment of The Living Waters Series invites you to explore the profound significance of living out your faith in a world yearning for truth.

In a world where voices clamor for attention, “Breaking Silence: The Charge to Uphold the Faith Out Loud” is a clarion call to Christians to speak their truth with conviction and love. This empowering guide beckons believers to step out of the shadows of silence and into the light of bold discipleship.

Author Lori Ann Moeszinger weaves scriptural wisdom with practical insights, offering a robust blueprint for those ready to take up the mantle of evangelism. From nurturing one’s spiritual readiness to building bridges with non-believers, this book doesn’t just encourage proclaiming the Gospel—it equips you to do it effectively and with compassionate resonance.

Whether you’re facing the sting of rejection or navigating the digital landscape to share your faith, “Breaking Silence” stands as a testament to the transformative power of speaking up for Christ. It’s not just about making noise; it’s about making a difference. This is your journey towards becoming a disciple who doesn’t just uphold the faith—but upholds it out loud, with a legacy that echoes through eternity.

Join the movement, find your voice, and let the echoes of your faith ring out. The charge has been sounded; it’s time to break the silence.

Mastering the Art of Faith Advocacy

Through insightful guidance and compelling stories, this book equips believers to navigate the challenges of expressing their faith in today’s attention-driven world. From building spiritual readiness to engaging with non-believers, “Breaking Silence” provides the tools needed for effective and compassionate Christian faith expression.

Empowering Believers to Speak Out

By moving from silent faith to vocal advocacy, “Breaking Silence” aims to inspire a significant shift in the Christian community. It details how to handle rejection and utilize digital platforms for evangelism, transforming passive faith into an active, impactful witness of one’s beliefs.

Embrace a Legacy of Vocal Christian Faith Expression

This book does more than encourage speaking up—it transforms how believers live out and witness their faith daily. “Breaking Silence” is your invitation to not just uphold your faith but to proclaim it loudly, making a difference with a legacy that resonates through eternity.


Are you ready to enhance your Christian faith expression? “Breaking Silence: The Charge to Uphold the Faith Out Loud” is available now. Join Lori Ann Moeszinger in this vital exploration of faith expression and witness the power of your convictions in action. Embrace this call to faith advocacy and let your voice be heard.

About the Author

Lori Ann Moeszinger is a renowned figure in the realm of Christian literature, celebrated for her insightful and inspirational contributions to spiritual writing. Her work has consistently provided guidance and inspiration to countless individuals seeking a richer, more meaningful spiritual life.

About The Ridge Publishing Group

The Ridge Publishing Group is dedicated to publishing distinctive books that inspire, challenge, and empower individuals in their personal and spiritual growth. With a wide-ranging catalog that addresses various facets of life, The Ridge Publishing Group continues to make a significant impact on the Christian publishing scene.

For additional information, to request a review copy, or to schedule an interview with Lori Ann Moeszinger, please contact us at press@RidgePublishingGroup.

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Embrace Vocal Faith Advocacy with Breaking Silence

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L. A. Moeszinger

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