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Defending the Faith Documentary Series

Promotional image for Defending the Faith Documentary Series, showcasing insights into Christian beliefs.

Books Coming Soon: 2027


Prepare to embark on a transformative intellectual odyssey with “Documentaries in Print: Defending the Faith—Two Worlds, Lost World, New World series (Documentaries—Mythology, Theology, and the Debate).” This extraordinary series beckons you to explore the captivating intersection of faith, mythology, theology, and the unending debate that has shaped human understanding for eons.

In each volume, you’ll journey through an intricate tapestry of ancient narratives and modern wisdom. Immerse yourself in creation myths that unveil the very essence of existence. Traverse the ethereal realms of angels, contemplate the profound dichotomy of heaven and hell, and venture through time, from the dawn of our universe to the frozen depths of the ice age. These narratives will not only challenge your conventional thinking but also ignite profound discussions about the enigmatic interplay between history, the present, and the future.

“Documentaries in Print” isn’t just a collection of books; it’s a thought-provoking intellectual adventure that leaves an indelible mark on your curiosity. Each volume is a portal to a world where human inquiry knows no bounds. Brace yourself for captivating mysteries in faith, mythology, theology, and the ever-evolving debate that fuels the flames of human curiosity. Are you ready to unlock the secrets concealed within these pages, to explore the depths of human existence and belief?

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to embark on a journey that expands your horizons, stretches the boundaries of your understanding, and sparks your intellectual curiosity. Download our press kit today—Documentaries in Print: Defending the Faith—Two Worlds, Lost World, New World series (Documentaries—Mythology, Theology, and the Debate)—and prepare to be captivated, challenged, and enlightened by the profound mysteries of our collective human experience. Your adventure waits.

How We’d Describe “Documentaries in Print” . . .

“Documentaries in Print” can be described as a genre of literature that brings the essence of documentary filmmaking into the written format. This style of writing aims to present real-life stories, factual accounts, historical events, or social phenomena with detailed research and journalistic integrity, similar to how a documentary film would. It typically involves extensive investigation, firsthand interviews, and a narrative approach that makes complex topics accessible and engaging to readers.

These works often combine elements of storytelling with non-fictional accuracy to provide in-depth analysis and insights into various subjects, ranging from personal biographies to broad societal issues. This format allows for a deeper exploration of topics than traditional documentaries might, given the space and depth that a written medium can provide.

Don’t miss out on this fascinating series!

Where Do We Go from Here?

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In a world that often sees faith and science in opposition, the “Defending the Faith—Two Worlds, Lost World, New World” series emerges as a beacon of truth and understanding. As part of Documentaries in Print Publishing Group, an imprint of The Ridge Publishing Group, we’ve embarked on a mission to unveil the profound mysteries of our spiritual and physical existence through this comprehensive series of thirty-one books. Each volume represents a unique blend of cultural critique and biblical scholarship, revealing God’s handiwork in the tapestry of our universe.

The Essence of the Series

From “Story of God” to “Story of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam,” this series is a journey through time, history, and theology. It’s not just a collection of books; it’s a pilgrimage into the depths of our faith, exploring the rich narratives of Scripture alongside the discoveries of modern science. Each title in the series is a testament to the enduring relevance of God’s Word, shedding light on the often-debated topics of creation, prophecy, and the intersection of faith and science.

Navigating the Invisible and Visible Worlds

Our journey begins with the exploration of the invisible world before Creation and traverses through the visible world after Creation, leading us to the renewed world post-Flood and the anticipated new earth and heaven. These books are more than narratives; they are windows into the divine plan, unfolding the mysteries of the universe in the light of Scripture.

Unpacking the Days of Genesis

The heart of the series lies in its detailed exploration of the Genesis account—covering more than 2,500 years. From “Story of Genesis, Day 1” to “Story of Genesis, Day 7,” each book dives deep into the Creation narrative, offering fresh insights and perspectives that challenge traditional interpretations. These volumes are not just about understanding the sequence of creation but about discovering God’s purpose and design in each step of His magnificent work.

Engaging with Controversial Topics

In a bold move, the series delves into some of the most controversial and intriguing aspects of biblical history and theology. “Story of the Book of Giants” (Genesis 6), “Story of Noah’s Ark” (Genesis 7), and “Story of the Flood” (Genesis 8–9) invite readers to re-examine these familiar stories with a new lens, finding deeper meanings and implications for our faith today.

A Dialogue Between Faith and Science

Perhaps the most significant contribution of this series is its harmonious blend of faith and science. In a world where these two realms are often seen as contradictory, “Defending the Faith” presents them as complementary aspects of the same truth. The series encourages a respectful dialogue between theology and science, inviting believers and skeptics alike to explore the wonders of God’s creation and the mysteries of His Word.

A Call to Spiritual Awakening

“Defending the Faith” is more than an academic pursuit; it’s a call to spiritual awakening. It challenges readers to deepen their understanding of Scripture, to engage with complex theological and scientific concepts, and to strengthen their faith in the unchanging truths of the Bible.

Defending the Faith Documentary Series

I invite you to join us on this remarkable journey through the “Defending the Faith” series. Let these books be your companions as you explore the vastness of God’s creation, the depth of His wisdom, and the height of His love. Let them inspire you, challenge you, and equip you to defend your faith in an increasingly skeptical world.

In this series, mythology, theology, and debate converge to reveal the multifaceted truth about our existence, our universe, and our God. It’s a journey worth taking, a story worth exploring, and a faith worth defending. Again, download our fully accessible press kit from our Press Room and embark on this unparalleled adventure in faith exploration today!

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Visit The Ridge Publishing Group’s, The Guardians of Biblical Truth Official Blog, Coffee with God! at www.Jesus-Says.com as you continue your walk with God.

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L. A. Moeszinger

The Ridge Publishing Group


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