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About The Ridge Publishing Group: Journey Behind the Pages

Our Story

The Ridge Publishing Group is an up and coming American worldwide book, film, and board game Company. It’s positioned to become one of the largest theology teaching resources in the world in terms of books, textbooks, documentaries, board games and card decks. The Ridge Publishing Group owns the trademarks and copyrights of The Living Waters series, the Guardians of Biblical Truth Publishing Group and the New Narrated Study Bible (NNSB), the Hoyle Theology Publishing Group and the Hoyle Theology Encyclopedia seminary textbook series (independent study program), the Documentaries in Print Publishing Group and the Defending the Faith series—Two Worlds, Lost World, New World, and the Education in Games Publishing Group and the Heaven’s Seminary—The Flagship Edition board games, card packs and card decks.

Likewise, The Ridge Publishing Group owns the trademarks and copyrights of its Parent Website: The Ridge Publishing Group and its imprint The Living Waters series. The Ridge Publishing Group owns the trademarks and copyrights of its Publisher Website: Guardians of Biblical Truth Publishing Group. The Ridge Publishing Group owns the trademarks and copyrights of its Author Websites: LAMoeszinger.com and NewYouniversity.com, and the Urban Chronicles Publishing House and its imprint The Manhattan Diaries series. The Ridge Publishing Group owns the trademarks and copyrights of its Bridge Website: AuthorsDoor Group and the AuthorsDoor Leadership programs. The Ridge Publishing Group owns the trademarks and copyrights of its Entertainment Website: The Ethan Fox Books Company franchise. In addition, The Ridge Publishing Group owns the trademarks and copyrights of its blog sites: PublisherAndHerWorld.com, Jesus-Says.com, ManhattanChronicles.com, AuthorsRedDoor.com, and KidsStagram.com.

Our Value Story—Why We Exist . . .

Once upon a time, in the bustling heart of Manhattan, Elena, a 35-year-old finance consultant, strolled along the streets with her iconic white headscarf and cobalt-blue glasses. Her days often meshed into a blur of numbers and client meetings. But underneath that professional demeanor was a soul that yearned for something more, something deeper.

Elena was plagued with the existential question, “Is this all there is to life?” Nights found her gazing at the ceiling, a weight of dissatisfaction pressing on her chest. The bright city lights outside her window no longer enthralled her as they once did. The noise, the chaos—it all felt so empty.

One cold, rainy evening, as Elena sat in her apartment, she stumbled upon an invitation for the “Guardians of Biblical Truth Forum” Facebook Group. Intrigued, she clicked on the link. It led her to a serene online space that connected people in search of spiritual fulfillment. As she dove deeper into the community’s resources and stories, Elena felt a moment of clarity. The stories she read weren’t just generic motivational tales but were filled with specific details that spoke directly to her heart—about individuals in the secular world finding peace, about young adults in bustling cities discovering serenity.

She was particularly drawn to a testimonial from a software engineer in San Francisco. He spoke of how the Facebook group “Guardians of Biblical Truth Forum” platform allowed him to find a community that understood his search for spiritual purpose. The engineer’s detailed story of feeling isolated amidst a sea of people and then finally finding solace resonated deeply with Elena. It felt as if he was speaking directly to her, understanding every emotion she’d been wrestling with.

Months passed, and Elena became an active member of the “Guardians of Biblical Truth Forum” Facebook Group. The community provided her with the tools she needed to explore her spiritual side and connect with like-minded individuals. She soon realized the platform was more than just a business; it was a lifeline for souls like hers that were lost in the noise of the modern world.

One day, walking along those same Manhattan streets, Elena felt different. The city’s chaos still swirled around her, but inside, she felt a newfound peace. The skyscrapers, lights, and crowds no longer seemed overwhelming but were now part of a bigger picture—a world where she was not just a guardian of Manhattan but also a Guardian of Biblical Truth.

Our Founder Story . . . The Ridge Publishing Group

From the rustic tranquility of The Ridge, a compelling narrative was born, a journey of grit, passion, and faith.

“I’ll never forget the day I felt that calling,” Lori Ann Moeszinger begins, her voice echoing a hint of nostalgia. “Ever since my tender years, I could feel a pull towards something bigger. Something divinely orchestrated. A story written by the hands of the Almighty God.”

But like any great narrative, there were trials. Lori’s life unfolded as a series of chapters filled with challenges, personal battles, and moments of despair. “Three marriages, three amazing sons, and an unimaginable health scare that saw me through four surgeries in just nineteen days,” she recalls, her eyes brimming with emotion. “There I was, lying on what could’ve been my deathbed, fervently praying, begging God to let me stay, to let me see my teenagers blossom into adults, and to let me fulfill the mission He bestowed upon me long ago.”

She pauses, taking a deep breath, “I lived, by His grace. Yet, it took me another nine years to truly find my path.”

The air turns palpable as Lori dives into the heart of her story. “The Bible had always been my anchor, my guiding light. (In fact, I still have and revere my first King James Version Bible that my parents gave me on my ninth birthday.) And of course, today, I have a library of Bibles and biblical books. Still, I often feel that Bible translations today are a bit overwhelming in both complexity and sheer volume.” She continues, “My vision and God’s calling was to delve deep into the scriptures, extracting the essence and presenting them in a modern way—in a manner that would resonate with people, young and old, from all walks of life.” She leans in, “Imagine the Bible narrated chronologically, every event unfolding seamlessly in real-time, like a divine story waiting to be heard.”

She leans back, her face illuminated with passion, “It was 2016 when I fully surrendered to God, placing all my faith in God’s plan for me—not my will, His will. From that spiritual reawakening, The Ridge Publishing Group was born.” Its mission? “To guide souls towards a deep, personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Lori’s journey, a testament to resilience, faith, and purpose, has culminated in a venture that seeks to touch lives, enlighten minds, and uplift spirits. The Ridge Publishing Group isn’t just about books; it’s about a woman’s undying faith, her divine mission, and the countless souls she aims to inspire.

A silence ensues, filled only by the weight of her story and the promise of what lies ahead. Lori concludes, “Finally—after nearly a decade of deep-study and writing—I’d make good on this sacred journey with God and begin publishing books. In June 2024, we released The Ridge Publishing Group’s debut book “Passion for Christ: New Beginnings,” next its debut series, The Living Waters series, followed by “Getting Your Prayer Life In Order”—one book at a time, one month apart; 12 books: prequel, series, and sequel.”

And she invites all to join her on this path of discovery, faith, and transformation.

Our Purpose Story . . . Discipleship and Fulfilling the Great Commission

On a humid afternoon, I found myself in a quaint cafe, gazing outside as people hurried past. I was wearing my usual black turtleneck sweater and black pants, sipping a cup of lukewarm coffee, my fingers tapping the rim, lost in thought. I’ve always been deeply passionate about discipleship and fulfilling the Great Commission, but that day felt particularly heavy with contemplation.

I remember the weight of my old leather-bound Good Samaritan Bible in my hand, a gift from my grandmother. As I flipped through its pages, I stumbled upon the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19–20. The words struck me profoundly. The idea of going out into the world to make disciples wasn’t new to me, but it dawned on me how critical our role was in this divine commission.

It was that moment, the smooth surface of the wooden table, the distant hum of conversations around, the scripture resonating in my heart, when I realized that I wasn’t just called to be a disciple, but also to inspire others to become one. I felt a rush of emotions—excitement, fear, determination, and an overwhelming sense of purpose. The challenge wasn’t just about reading and understanding the Scripture, but living it, and guiding others to live it too.

There’s a universal truth that we all seek purpose, that deep-seated need to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. And isn’t that the very essence of discipleship? To not just walk the path ourselves but to take others along with us?

Driven by this newfound clarity, The Ridge Publishing Group resonated. I envisioned it as a beacon, guiding countless souls towards discipleship, helping them understand, embrace, and fulfill the Great Commission.

It’s not just about publishing books. It’s about sharing stories of faith, of transformation, and of relentless pursuit of one’s divine calling. Stories that you, dear reader, can relate to, regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey.

Every word I publish, every tale I tell, is a reflection of my commitment to this divine commission. I aim to make every reader feel seen, heard, and deeply connected to our shared purpose—citizens of heaven.

This is my story, but in truth, it’s also yours. Together, as we immerse ourselves in these tales of faith, I hope to blur the lines between the storyteller and the listener, until our purpose aligns, and we embark on this divine journey as one.

Our Customer Story . . . The Testimony of Clara

Clara always felt there was something missing from her life. Every day was a constant battle with loneliness and a sense of purposelessness. She had tried different avenues to find happiness—meditation, yoga, and even therapy. But nothing seemed to fill that void.

One evening, while aimlessly scrolling online, she stumbled upon The Ridge Publishing Group’s website. Curiosity piqued, Clara began reading a message on its homepage that seemed to speak directly to her heart. The words echoed, “You’re not alone; God cares about you. God loves you.”

Moved by this simple yet profound message, Clara found herself repeating the prayer out loud: “Jesus, I want you to come into my life. Forgive me of my sins. I want to start this relationship with you now.” As she voiced these words, a warmth enveloped her, a feeling she had never experienced before.

Intrigued by her newfound faith and eager to deepen her understanding, Clara began exploring the books offered by The Ridge Publishing Group, “Passion for Christ: New Beginnings” and The Living Waters series. Each page she turned, every story she read, reaffirmed her belief in God and the purpose she had been seeking all her life.

The Ridge Publishing Group, with its mission to lead people to a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, had just added another soul to their family. Clara was not just a member. She was a living testimony of the power of faith and the impact of the written Word.

Months later, Clara wrote to The Ridge Publishing Group, “Your site and books were like a beacon of light in my darkest hour. Through your words, I found God and a sense of belonging I had never felt before.”

Today, Clara actively participates in her local community church, sharing her story of transformation with others. She remains a loyal reader of The Ridge Publishing Group’s books, continually growing in her faith and understanding of God. Her story is a testament to The Ridge Publishing Group’s commitment and the incredible impact it has on its readers, bringing them closer to God, one soul at a time.

The Ridge Publishing Group’s list of sites:

Parent Website: https://www.RidgePublishingGroup.com and blog site https://www.PublisherAndHerWorld.com

Publisher Website: https://www.GuardiansofBiblicalTruth.com and blog site https://www.Jesus-Says.com

Author Website: https://www.LAMoeszinger.com and https://wwwNewYouniversity.com sites:

https://www.TheManhattanDiaries.com and blog site https://www.ManhattanChronicles.com

Bridge Website: https://www.AuthorsDoor.com and blog site https://www.AuthorsRedDoor.com

Entertainment Website: https://www.EthanFoxBooks.com and blog site https://www.KidsStagram.com

It is our pleasure and great joy to bring you these venues, and our hope that you’ll find our journey as enlightening and inspirational as we do.

For further information please see our Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, and Blog Guidelines legal notices.

The Ridge Publishing Group headquarters is based in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

The Ridge Publishing Group

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

About The Author: Lori Ann Moeszinger—the visionary behind The Ridge Publishing Group—is a storyteller at heart, crafting narratives that resonate and empower. She writes under the names: Lori Ann Moeszinger for her biblical and personal pieces; Ann Patterson for her legal expertise pieces; L. A. Moeszinger for her AuthorsDoor and blog pieces; and a handful of others for the Urban Chronicles Publishing House and The Manhattan Diaries series. A former lawyer turned author, publisher, and creator; she inspires change through storytelling—passion drives her pen, crafting tales that inspire action and faith.

About The Author: Eric Moeszinger—the creative force behind the enchanting world of Ethan Fox Books—is a storyteller whose tales are steeped in the essence of his own life. Writing under the pen name E. L. Seer, the “E” representing Eric and the “L” a nod to his beloved wife Lori. Eric’s literary journey, from Sacramento roots to engineering, culminates in inspiring stories that will resonate with readers and viewers alike for generations to come. He blogs at the Ethan Fox Books Official Blog: KidsStagram and can be found on X @EthanFoxBooks, Facebook @EthanFoxBooks, Instagram @EthanFoxBooks, and/or Pinterest @EthanFoxBooks.

The Ridge Publishing Group


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